Making moves in the madness, Prince Charlzz is back for Autumn/Winter 2024, presenting High Life, Low Levels.
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Making moves in the madness, Prince Charlzz is back for Autumn/Winter 2024, presenting High Life, Low Levels.
The Bristol-based photographer captures a day in the life around Clifton, passing through Queen's Court (previously owned by the Beatles) to pick up some essentials and for a quick catch up with the main bossman, Shack.
Appearing across a wide selection of products for Autumn/Winter 2024, the use of a Japanese Gothic font, known for its clean lines, contrasts with ornate European Gothic styles, representing a fusion of Eastern minimalism and Western tradition.
Available now at EDWIN Stores, Selected retailers and online.
Photographer: Charlie Ballett @princecharlzz
Model: Tom Morgan @tommorgann___
Black / White
Whitecap Gray
Soft Purple