In Hopeworld, a picturesque realm running parallel to ours, vibrant colours and mischievous mythical beings thrive, replacing the mundane presence of dull humans and grey buildings.
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In Hopeworld, a picturesque realm running parallel to ours, vibrant colours and mischievous mythical beings thrive, replacing the mundane presence of dull humans and grey buildings.
In tribute to the iconic EDWIN Music Channel talisman, we've captured the essence of several Hopeworld denizens in the form of three scented candles, bringing them into our reality.
Meet Drill, Daddy Kool and Psykee...
Expertly crafted with environmental consciousness in mind, each candle is meticulously fashioned from olive wax, a sustainable alternative to conventional waxes like soy and paraffin. With a prolonged and clean burn, these candles are imbued with non-toxic essential oils including lavender, amber, orange and palo santo, ensuring both your well-being and the preservation of your surroundings as you illuminate your space.
Available now in limited numbers exclusively at EDWIN Stores and online.
Photography & Video: Jake Kenny