Inspired by the impressive and dystopian neighbourhoods of Tokyo, this exclusive capsule collection plays with the strong visual elements of the streets.
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Inspired by the impressive and dystopian neighbourhoods of Tokyo, this exclusive capsule collection plays with the strong visual elements of the streets.
The 'Surveillance' Tee highlights the endless skyscrapers armed with imposing screens, neon signs and overwhelming CCTV cameras. Tokyo's robotic eyes are everywhere with the average resident captured up to 200 times over the course of a typical day.
The 'No Dancing' Tee is a focal point for the bizarre remnants of the recently abolished anti-prostitution fuzoku laws dating back to 1948. Dancing in clubs, bars or any public venue was strictly prohibited by law.
Though the Japanese parliament relaxed the no-dancing laws in 2015, some venues still operate under strict conditions.
The decision was made to please the boost in tourism in Tokyo, including a wave of foreign club aficionados that swarm to Tokyo's nightlife districts including Roppongi and Shibuya.
In stark contrast, the Warning and Injured Tees take a light-hearted look at Japanese warning signs including a reflective chest and back print on the Warning Tee to draw attention to the dangers of the Tokyo streets.
Available now at EDWIN Stores, selected European stockists and ONLINE.